The word procrastination means delaying or putting off our daily works like not doing our office work timely, not attending any meeting or not submitting our academic work timely .we know that there are a lot of negative effects if we do procrastinate our work but still we do ,it became common nowadays in teens and adults .

Why we do  Procrastination  ?

There are  several reasons some of them are ;

  • Fear of failure  

There is always a question of ‘if ‘ like  what will happen if we fail the exam or  not able to work properly

we think  about consequences instead of doing  that work , so we avoid trying that work.

  • An inability to motivate ourself

There are lots of distraction in our surrounding which  has  an crucial role in procrastinating the things. for example : a student who has an exam  tomorrow didn’t study before always delaying that he will study tomorrow and before one night of examination he still busy on playing games .

  • Poor management skill

Teacher announces a test in class but the student did n’t know  how to start preparation within a limited duration of time earlier he didn’t pay any attention ,now he is regretting if he would pay attention .

  • Avoidance  

The instant gratification that is achieved  through social media , video games  and other forms of distractions commonly distract students  from starting their work .

  • Low self esteem

People with low self esteem criticizing themselves ,blaming themselves and always avoid challenges or trying to be perfect .sometimes people feel themselves as unlovable , feeling like a burden and unable to make friends are also lead to poor self self esteem .

 What are the steps to overcome this procrastination ?

  • Make to do list

firstly take  a sticky note  then recall all your task which needed to be done list them on that note ,write it down according to your priority with the deadline between when you were following your list do crosscheck how much you have done .

  • Reward yourself

After completing every small task of your work  reward it by small things ,it will boost your  confidence and as well as your dedication  towards your work.These small wins always  keeps you motivated.

  • Time management

Time management is one of the most important part in our life.Avoid the things that distract you in achieving your goals.Always stick to your plan and give yourself small tasks first with a time limit . Say no to the other work until you have completed your given tasks.

  • Stay Positive

Always stay positive because this positivity keeps  you  motivated and helps you to better concentrate on your work .That’s the top most  part of your daily life .

Some  Interesting  survey has shown that about 80-90%  of college students engaged in procrastination and about 20-40% are regular procrastinator .These studies shows that  the main root of procrastination is the fear of failure and lack of motivation .

How ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) leads to Procrastination ?

People with ADHD suffer from  Procrastination  because of lack of motivation that’s the common thing between them but we cannot classify them similar ,there are some symptoms of ADHD  can leads to procrastinating .

People with ADHD experience difficulty  in organising  daily tasks and activities , face issues in staying focused on tasks , unable to talk properly etc. They didn’t have self control on their life because of all these things they have lack of focus and have difficulty in maintaing this focus of long duration of time that leads them towards procrastination.Sometimes because of work pressure they are often afraid of fear of failure.


The word perfectionism refers to those who who want everything ‘as just as same ‘  means perfect in every term.People with perfectionism have high expections and they put avoidance under the carpet.

Perfectionism and Procrastination both the terms are linked they have very high set of standards that cause them worry and because of this pressure they procrastinate until they didn’t do there work as perfect. These people have a feeling of being anxious ,irritability and being lazy .


  • Firstly you have to change your mindset before doing any work don’t overthink about that particular work just focus on strenghts and keep away the thought fear of failure this will help you to stay focus .
  • The second thing what you need to remember that don’t feel special  and everyone makes mistakes.Don’t take blame on yourself  if you didn’t get the outcome of your work because you are not the one who does mistake .
  • Sometimes there are some external or environmental pressure that pushes you to be  perfect that’s the one reason of the perfectionism .Don’t think about others just ask youself what you desired of .
  • The  last thing  you need to follow is to allow your negative thoughts challenge them and love the imperfect side of yourself .

Hope these things will help  to ovecome this vicious cycle of perfectionism.

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